UX Discovery: Solid foundation for your user-centric digital product

UX Discovery text shown like in a cell phone design

Reading Time: 9 minutes As tech partners, we protect our client’s investment and commit to developing the best software solution for them. This wouldn’t be achievable if we are not able to align users’ needs with overachieving business objectives. And here it comes UX Discovery as part of our working methodology for custom software development.
Find out what is it and why is so important for your project.

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Experiences, opportunities and tips for labor reconversion to programming

two opposite dark silhouettes one with images of books and the other with programming code

Reading Time: 10 minutes The main purpose of this article is to share my personal journey in reconverting to coding, willing to provoke you to identify points in common between my experience and yours. You’ll discover IT as a world with plenty of opportunities and find useful tips and learnings that I know will be helpful in your path while making that switch to IT.

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